We had our very first Studientag at the ITI and I hope it will become a tradition. The President, Msgr. Dr. Larry Hogan began the day with a talk about the Seven Principles and the Mission of the ITI. He also spoke about why we do the seminar method and used great props to illustrate his talk; reading the original sources in the original language was like fresh spring water and reading a translation was like Coke Light. Hmmm, the waters may have gotten sweeter, but nowhere near as clear.

Students, staff and faculty then broke into groups to discuss the principles and pillars, as well as two articles written by Cardinal Schönborn on St. Thomas Aquinas as Holy Theologian, and the study of Theology – pitfalls and promises.

Everyone then walked to the parish church, ten minutes away, for the Mass celebrated by His Eminence, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, the Grand Chancellor of the ITI. After Mass, we all celebrated the opening of the school year at a nearby Heuriger, where Cardinal Schönborn was able to meet the new students.